Brazilian Uranium & Rare Earth Projects
CORE’s Brazilian Uranium & Rare Earth Project covers a combined area of ~800km² of prospective ground across Paraiba, Parana, Goiás and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
CORE has executed a Memorandum of Understanding with Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil (“INB”). INB is the State-owned entity that exercises the development, production and commercialization of nuclear materials (Uranium) in Brazil.
The objective of the MOU is to work collaboratively, utilising INB’s guidance, to conduct analyses on the mining licenses with the objective of confirming and delineating uranium prospecting potential, and including any commercialization of discoveries identified by CORE.

Amorinopolis Uranium Project – Goiás State
- CORE has pegged 17 contiguous licenses encompassing an area of 320km2
- The exploration rationale is that the regional granites are the potential source of any uranium in the area, with the sandstone unit acting as the host for any uranium which has been leached and concentrated from the granites
- CORE is actively targeting the sandstone unit, as well as any geological unconformities
- CORE has a preliminary exploration plan in place, consisting of surficial mapping, sampling, scintillometer surveys. In additional to geophysical surveys. These will be used to delineate drill targets
- CORE plans to holistically explore the substantial tenement package at Amorinopolis for Uranium and other commodities
- Preliminary field visit completed with field program of mapping and sampling expected to be completed in Q3 2024
Sao Jose Uranium Project – Paraiba State
- Identified in 1970s, drilled with ~60 Diamond holes
- 2009 Resampling of drill core produced ranges up to 3,450ppm (0.35% U3O8) (average of all 725 samples was 492ppm)
- Interpreted ~2000m strike length, Mineralization down to 250m
- Unverified Inferred and indicated Resource @ avg 1,200ppm U3O8 and 22Mlb combined resource using a 500ppm cutoff
- 300ppm is currently considered the minimum economic grade
- REEs have been identified within the deposit and studies were completed due to the Government control of Uranium assets at the time
- CORE has pegged ground surrounding this historic deposit, with mineralization interpreted to extent into CORE’s tenure
- Preliminary field visit completed with field program of mapping and sampling expected to be completed in Q3 2024
Grande Uranium Project – Rio Grande do Sul
- CORE has pegged two areas within Rio Grande do Sul for a total of 330.3km2. The northern area is 94.8km2 and the southern area is 235.5km2
- Grande is prospective for sandstone and conglomerate hosted uranium deposits, as it is within 4km of a uranium occurrence identified by the INB in the northern part
- CORE is targeting an extension of the same lithology(Rio Bonita and Sanga do Cabral Formation) which hosts this occurrence
- The exploration rationale is that the regional granites are the potential source of any uranium in the area, with the sandstone unit acting as the host for any uranium which has been leached and concentrated from the granites
- CORE is actively targeting the sandstone unit, as well as any geological unconformities
- CORE has a preliminary exploration plan in place, consisting of surficial mapping, sampling, scintillometer surveys. In additional to geophysical surveys. These will be used to delineate drill targets
- CORE plans to holistically explore the substantial tenement package at Grande for Uranium and other commodities
- Fieldwork is currently underway and is currently expected to be completed in Q3 2024
Since acquiring the projects in 2024:
- CORE has assembled an in-country team and commenced geological mapping and reconnaissance at Sao Jose, with a target of drilling later in 2024
- Field teams have completed early-stage field reconnaissance at Amorinopolis and Grande project area’s with more robust field work due to begin in Q3 2024
- The Company continues to assess additional areas within Brazil and is committed to acquiring high quality projects and pegging prospective ground